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Date Ideas for People Who Aren’t About the Money

There are two camps of people on Valentine’s Day. People who love the concept of a day to celebrate love and people who think it is a commercial scam. With prices of chocolate, flowers and stuffed toys hiked up almost twice the amount and with gaudy red and pink heart filled decorations, I don’t blame the people of the second camp. In fact, I agree. However, the romanticist in me also loves the idea of having a special day to spend together with your significant other just being appreciative.

Although Valentine's Day is over, the love with your partner isn't. With the recent passing of Valentine's Day, romance is actually still blooming in the air. So other than the obligatory grocery shopping date after Valentine’s to score all the suddenly cheap chocolate, here are some ideas that don’t completely succumb to the monstrosities of commercialism but still make your love special.

1. Black Panther Movie Date

While a movie at a cinema in the malls of Singapore is a great option (Black Panther on opening night anyone?), consider a movie under the stars or at a bar to change things up a little. It may be slightly more expensive, (Funzing has tickets going for $19 for pop up cinemas) but you do get complimentary drinks and a trendy venue.

2. Show Off Your Cooking Skills

What is sexier than a person that cooks? Trust me, the way to most people’s hearts is their stomachs, so if you decide to cook for your significant other, you may be surprised by how fun and romantic a dinner date could be. Plus if you guys cook together, not only would you be able to show off your skills, you could lip-sync love duets to each other while waiting for the food to be cooked. Quality time spent.

3. A Dinner Date at a Restaurant

But of course if neither of you can cook or do not have the energy to, don’t fret; a romantic restaurant dinner is also an option. I know Valentine’s Day dinners can get expensive. However if you look carefully you may find three course or even 4 course dinners for less than $50 a person. At Nassim Hill Bakery Bistro Bar you can get 3-course meal for $44.50/person. The course, Love me Tender, is only available for Valentine’s Day and you get a glass of wine each to go with your dinner.  So impress your date without damage to your wallet. Plus since the place is near Botanic Garden you could also take a slow stroll by the Gardens.

4. Treat Yourselves to Some Live Music

Maybe you’ve always wanted to serenade your lover to some live music. And here in Singapore, you won't have to worry about the place to go because there are numerous bars and restaurants that offer live-singing, especially those of romantic songs that both you and your partner deem to be special. Even if you miss them for the occasion, do not worry because there's always the next date.

5. A Sports Date

If your significant other likes to be active and would rather not sit down for another dinner then maybe you could do something completely different from the usual date ideas that involve eating and shopping. Play a sport that both of you like or try something completely new. This could not only be a opportunity to show off that gym bod you have been working on but it could also show you how well you work together. If you are up for it, Clip ‘n Climb, the company from New Zealand which promises a theme park like rock climbing facility has opened its first Singaporean outlet in Tampines. With 17 different walls that are 8m high, you can be sure that your date will not be boring. Entry prices range from $18 for members, $22 for People’s Association or Safra members and $25 for guests.

Written by: Annmaria Patteri

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