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10 Powerful Benefits of Ginger

Ginger, an aromatic and spicy root, has been used throughout time in various cultures. Ayurverda often refers to this root as a universal medicine while Chinese medicine believes ginger restores Yang or hot energy.

With a host of powerful healing abilities, there’s hardly any reason not to add ginger tea into your routine!

1.Treats nausea & vomiting

If you experience motion sickness on your journeys, try having a cup of organic  ginger tea before your flight or drive. Ginger tea has been used to settle a variety of stomach problems like morning sickness and stomach ache for thousands of years for good reason. The ability of ginger to soothe a troubled stomach makes it a great travel companion the next time you feel nauseous!

2.Improves digestion

No one enjoys going to bed feeling bloated. A cup of ginger tea before sleep can solve this as it relieves gas, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed!

Ginger tea can also be a natural remedy for other more serious digestive issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Ginger can help soothe your digestive system during a flare-up, easing any painful symptoms you may experience. The versatility of ginger to treat a whole host of digestive problems makes it a great natural remedy to a troubled stomach!

Image cred: pixabay

3.Reduces inflammation

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger tea is an ideal home remedy to cure any muscle and joint pains. If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis or any inflammation of the joints, ginger can help reduce swelling within sore muscles and joints. The next time you experience sore muscles or joints, reach out for ginger tea to relieve pain naturally.

4.Cure for the common cold

The common cold often comes with sore throat, coughing and a runny nose- Nothing ginger can’t cure! This root contain antiviral properties that help clear any nasal congestion and relieve pain. If you’re down with a common cold, ginger tea can help soothe and ensure you make a speedy recovery!


Image cred: pixabay

5.Improves blood circulation

The active compounds found in ginger help improve blood circulation thus, preventing chills, excessive perspiration and fever. Drinking organic ginger also goes a long way in preventing cardiovascular diseases.

6.Treats menstrual pain

If your period pains often leave you curled up in a ball, try ginger tea for a natural pain relief. Soak a towel in steaming ginger tea and apply it to your lower abdomen. This will help your abdominal muscles relax, providing instant relief. While you’re relaxing, treat yourself to a cup of ginger tea with lemon or honey to mask the strong taste.

Image cred: pixabay

7.Boosts your immune system

Drinking a cup of organic ginger tea regularly will help keep you healthy due to its rich amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants are vital in ensuring your immune system is strong enough to ward off any sickness.

8.Protects against Alzheimer’s disease

In a study where 60 middle-aged women were given ginger extract or a placebo, researchers found those that consumed ginger experienced an improvement in working memory. Ginger is capable of enhancing memory and brain function, guarding against Alzheimer’s Disease. Some studies attribute ginger’s ability to prevent age-related decline in brain function due to its potential to fight inflammatory responses that occur in the brain.

9.Helps with weight loss

If you need help shedding those extra pounds, try adding organic ginger tea into your daily routine. This quality tea can help speed up metabolism, increasing the amount of calories burnt. Ginger can also keep hunger pangs at bay by making you feel satiated for longer, preventing you from over-eating.

10.Post-workout fuel to relieve muscle soreness

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger can help soothe any muscle soreness after exercise. In a study where participants were given either raw ginger, heated ginger or a placebo after intense exercise, researchers found those that took ginger felt less pain than the others. If your workouts leave you feeling sore, treat yourself to ginger for a tasty reward that is sure to help your body recover faster.

Image cred: Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

With this range for health benefits, it’s no surprise ginger has been used throughout millennia as an ingredient in natural remedies. Why not treat yourself to a brew of this tea and experience the benefits for yourself?

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