● Rich in Vitamin C
● Boost immune system to prevent cold and flu
● Alleviate gastrointestinal conditions such as stomach ulcer and constipation
● Relieve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
● Reduces symptoms of diabetes
Hailed as the fruit of the well-loved rose plants, rose hip makes a name for itself by being one of the top sources of vitamin C. It can strengthen your immune system and relieve several health symptoms and conditions. Besides being pretty on the eyes and good for your health, rose hips are also often used as ingredients in jams, pies, syrup, and many other foods. When they are dried up, rose hips make good crafting materials and home fragrances.
Fortify your body with rose hips. They can be found in our Rose Paradise tea which, upon your first sip, transports you to a garden of roses. Get the popular and well-loved Rose Paradise tea here.